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Agitated "Spotlight"

Process pt:1, 2023

Ink on paper​



This preliminary ink sketch was part of exploring the composition of three objects that could be found in someone's kitchen. In this piece, Victoria explored different ink techniques such as dry brushing, translucent washes, different airbrushing and splattering techniques etc. This piece demonstrates how lighting, composition, and how the materials were used, to effectively represent an image that reflected the word agitated.


Process pt:2, 2023

charcoal on paper



This work shows another way of the word agitated. This drawing resembles different kitchen items with all have an opening function or mechanic. The objects portrayed in this piece include; a can opener, a nut- cracker, and a bottle opener. The material used in this piece is charcoal. The purpose of the harsher shadows in the background was once again done to create an agitated or nervous feel to the objects being spotlighted from the direction of the light source. One challenge she faced while making this piece was how to show an object appears shiny or reflective. While observing the objects harsh lines and bright highlights were key to show the contrast in textures and surfaces. 

Process pt:3, 2023

Pencil on paper



This piece is the third preliminary exploration of the theme agitated, this piece required Victoria to use a variety of different pencils such as; 4h all the way up to 8b. This work displays three different objects that are used to smash or grind things. The purpose of the scribier lines were to give off a nervous feeling. The objects are placed that way to look as if something is off, to make a piece that screams agitated. Victoria explored different ways to create a mark on paper with various materials. She reflects on this piece as it was one of her favorites. 

Spotlight, 2024

Ink on paper



Victoria further explores the first process drawing as she sought interest in creating different effects with ink. One thing she liked about the material was how versatale it could be. She often layered washes of ink slowly building opacity, she used different brushes to create the different kinds of strokes seen on the final piece. Victoria chose to name it "Spotlight" as she saw it fitting as the objects were in direct spotlight of the light source, she shadows around the piece adding depth in space. The objects appear "cornered" or possibly scared-leaning on each other and the cords of the magic bullet blender and the food processor winding around the objects. The placement of the cords was purposeful as it's acting as a shield for the objects to "hide" behind. The different textures in the top left would act as another way agitated could be shone visually on paper. 


These four pieces were part of her portfolio for Sheridan as well, the whole purpose of this portion of the portfolio was to demonstrate the knowledge of how to compose, arrange, and apply different forms of lighting and media to convey the imagery of either agitated which Victoria chose calm. Either of the two themes would be comprised of three different objects that can be found in the kitchen. The purpose of the three preliminary pieces was to explore different materials, objects, and techniques to best show either theme. 




Objects in my room  

Ink on paper 

9" x 12"


This piece was part of Victoria's Illustration portfolio. The plush toy of a bear was something she got in London, England. She cherishes the toy, it continues to be her favorite souvenir from the trip. She experimented with different techniques to achieve a textured look on the bear and background. The bear rested on her bed amongst pillows. She painted washes of ink on the background in and a range of shades for the pillows and sheets in order for the bear not to be fading into the background. 


Locked Out, 2023

Charcoal, conté, Ink on paper

18" x 24"

My tool is a key to my house, though, this key also resembles a tool used to open things like doors or locks, and when that key doesn’t work or if you don’t have it you're locked out. When I think of the “Transformers universe” or however one would put it, it's fictional, it's not real but it feels real to me. Though it is something I cannot access nor is it truly possible merely just a film, a piece of fiction. Imagine if you had a key to something that is impossible to access, something you “long’’ for. personally I am unable to access this narrative as it’s not real, my key can’t open that door therefore I remain locked out.

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